AKC Brittany Puppy Litter Expected December 2021-Smoke/Bella- SOLD OUT

The contact person for this litter is Nick in Pocatello, ID at 314-954-5424. We had several breedings last week and the due date is the beginning of December 2021 for this litter. Pups will be ready for home mid-January 2022.

SIRE: HIDEAWAY’S WHITE SMOKE- Smoke is an accomplished bird hunter and field trial dog. This is a special stud dog who had proven himself time and again in front of AKC field trial judges. He has 9 official AKC placements to his name and multiple points in both Open (professional handler) and Amateur (non-pro handler) divisions. Smoke started doing well even when he was young. He was the 2013 Western All-Age Futurity 4th place and continued to impress judges throughout his career as a competitor. His was sired directly by NGDC FC/AFC San Dee Blazing Shane. His mother was FC/AFC Hideaway Red’s Bess Bet. However, most importantly, this dog not only has the genetics, but he has proven himself as a stellar competitor and hunter. The more recently in the line that the dogs have been proven, the best chance you can get a quality hunting dog.

DAM: KARAMOJO’S BELLATRIX LESTRANGE- Bella is a daughter of 3x Am Fld Ch 3x Ru GFC FC Stayley’s Orange Outlaw Mr. Cooper and Karamojo’s Dragon Tattoo JH (Stella). She has everything we look for in a quality hunting dog and producer: extreme bird drive, trainability, hard point, hard running/great pattern, among other traits. Bella is a product of our breeding program which is based on the above traits. We breed for hunting and competition and she fits the bill on both. And she is a sweetheart at home!

Pups will be located near Pocatello, Idaho.

If you have questions, or would like to put a deposit down, or would like to talk brits, call or text Nick at 314-954-5424.

A $200 deposit holds a pick.