We expect our dogs to run hard and be athletes, but this puts a responsibility on dog handlers to keep dogs safe. Training and running dogs in the summer requires handlers to know their dogs and know when they need water or a cool down. Every dog is different, but it is always best to error on the side of caution with your dog’s safety. In the field, you can carry a collapsible dog bowl or pour water into your cupped hand (this way does waste more water). It is possible to use a water bottle directly into a dog’s mouth, but never pour water down a dog’s throat. You must squirt it into the inside of his cheek on the outside of his or her teeth, then let them swallow.
Also, the best way for a dog to cool down is for them to submerge his or her belly in water. Pictured is the Brittany bird dog Blixen (Karamojo’s Out of Africa Blixen) cooling off in an irrigation ditch during a summer training session.