We've Moved


Sage-grouse taking wing












It has been quite a while since I have posted anything new; it’s been busy.  In October we moved from south central Utah to southeastern Idaho.  Moving is a huge pain, but we are slowly getting settled in and getting the kennels set up like we want. It was really hard to leave good friends, but we are looking forward to making new ones. Hunting buddies are always welcome. Unfortunately it will be further for our Las Vegas clients, but will be closer to our Northern Utah/Southern Idaho clients.

One reason for the move was the ready access to wild bird populations. It is really enjoyable to look out and see pheasants feeding in the back pasture, and hear ruffed grouse on the hillside. Other birds I have seen while out in the area include: huns, dusky grouse, sharp-tail and sage-grouse, valley quail and chukars. I also look forward to hunting spruce grouse, as that will be a new species for me.

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