Blue Grouse Hunting Blues

Well, today we were totally skunked. We went blue grouse hunting and were humbled. The four blues we did finally see late in the day were diving out of Doug fir trees, 50′ up and going mach 5 through the trees. That is one of the toughest shots to make, over your head and diving straight down fast. The problem I had, was stopping my swing. I wasn’t following through and shot over them. On the up side, the weather was fantastic, I saw a porcupine in a tree (luckily for the dogs, not on the ground) and we did find a record book curl-leaf mahogany tree. For a shrub, this thing was huge. It was easily 4 feet in diameter and we estimated it at more than 1000 years old. No grouse, but one huge old tree. It was a great day!

Huge Curl-Leaf Mahogany Tree

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