Teaching a pup about birds

American brittany - introduction to birds

This particular brittany pup, Sadie, I am currently working with seems to like birds, but is fairly noise sensitive and a bit skittish of novel things and people. It is important to provide a proper introdution to birds. Some of the keys are using a live bird, not initially letting the pup get wing whipped by the bird, and using the pup’s natural chase drive to get her keyed up about birds. This is also the time to help reinforce natural retrieving instincet. Don’t take the bird away when she brings it back, praise her by long-stroking pets when she holds the bird and stop petting when she drops (the idea is you want to reward her for bringing the bird back and holding it). 

Brittany - Teaching pup to retrieve


When you introduce gunfire, start with a starter blank or .410. The key is to shoot when the dog is reallly keyed up and chasing, not when they have stopped or are hesitant. The dog’s mental state here if far more critical than the distance to the gun. (Note: avoid 12 guages and autoloaders during this stage – they are too much noise and can break through the dog’s focus on the bird.)

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