Health update: Canine Entropion – Eye problems in dogs

Canine Eye - Cazador

Entropion is a condition where the eyelid curls under and the eyelashes come in contact with the eye. It is an uncomfortable condition and over time the constant scratching and irritation to the cornea can have serious consequences.  A knowledgeable vet should readily recognize this condition and recommend a treatment plan. Things that may alert you to the condition are constant tearing or excessive wetness around the eye, mucous discharge around the eye, constant rubbing of the eyes with the foreleg, sensitivity to light or wind, squinting or observable sign of eye discomfort.  Upon close visual inspection you may see that the lid is slightly curled under or see that lashes are contacting the eye lens.

Entropion often shows up at an early age. It is typically a congenital defect that is carried genetically; therefore it is not recommended that dogs with this condition be used for breeding as it will perpetuate the condition in future dogs. Entropion sometimes develops later in life, usually associated with more serious eye diseases or conditions.

Treatment is a fairly simple surgery where a tiny football shaped piece of the eyelid is removed and the lid is stitched back together thereby rolling the edge of the lid and lashes back outward away from the cornea. The nictitating membrane or third eyelid is occasionally involved and may be surgically removed during the procedure. The post-surgery healing is a critical time to keep close watch on the dog so that they are not able to get to their eyes to scratch, rub, tear out the stitches or in any way impact the surgery site. If there is any concern get the dog back to the vet for a follow up visit after surgery (sooner is better than later here).  Healing time is usually about two weeks.

The few dogs I have seen with this condition seem to be in a constant state of general discomfort. The surgery has been easy and relatively inexpensive. Most importantly, the dogs are visibly more comfortable and have a better look to the eye post-surgery.

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