Duck Hunting With Your Kids

 Duck hunting with the kids, they had a ball!

I got a this great email and photo from a friend and client in the Salt Lake Area and thought I’d share it. Duck hunting is a great opportunity to take the kids out and spend some time with them.

“I was just reading about your duck hunt on Saturday.  I thought you might enjoy this picture (not the best since I took it with my phone). I took my kids out Sunday afternoon duck hunting. I had just planned on it being a day to mess around with the kids since the weather was so nice.  I left my lab home thinking he wouldn’t be getting any work, which was a big mistake. We ended up with seven ducks in about 1 hour of hunting.  A couple of canvasbacks and the rest were gadwalls.
“It didn’t seem to matter what I did the ducks just kept coming.  This was my daughters first duck hunt and I let her have the duck call and she is convinced she had called them all in.”

As you can see from the photo, they had a ball.

Another friend of mine once told me that the best conversations he ever had with his teenagers were on slow days in the duck blind. So, take your kids out with you.

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